John Smith
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Be as thorough as possible so that the seller can offer you with the high-quality service you want. Your payment is protected until you confirm that the service was completed to your satisfaction.
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Use the integrated chat and transaction management system to send the seller files and comments. The seller will provide the service within the time range that was mutually agreed upon.
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There’s never been a better moment to get online and start earning with your own fine-tuned set of skills. Working part-time or full-time on regsilance.com designates you into the Flexible Employment Initiative powered by the partnership between Timeterest Limited and National Directorate of Employment Nigeria
Select to register as a seller and post your first shout out service during registration. Create a detailed profile that highlights your skills, expertise, and experience. Make sure to include a professional profile picture and a compelling description of the services you offer. Going through the account verification process helps to boost your profile with the verified batch
Post Service Listings
On Remotejob, freelancers create “Services” which are service listings that outline what they can offer to clients. Create and post service listings for the services you want to provide, making sure to use clear and engaging titles, descriptions, and pricing. You can also add relevant tags to help potential clients find your Services
Post Service Listings
Once your profile and Service listings are set up, start promoting your services on social media, forums, and other platforms to attract clients. When you start receiving orders, make sure to deliver high-quality work on time to build a positive reputation on remotejob.africa in order to have good review and rating that can attract more clients.
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